Been extremely busy lately and haven't had time to blog. Made a list and started scratching things off of it and blogging was on it. So, here

it is............I switched boxes early 2010 and have settled in nicely to my new one. TOP NOTCH. As life would present itself, since the time I switched, I have made some MAJOR improvements all around. This includes improvement in technique, strength and stamina. If you've seen my
before & after story, my first year crossfitting I made gigantic changes in my life. This is a common story with crossfit. It is simply life changing. Things happen for a reason, things change and so must we. I got side tracked for a bit BUT, my dad taught me to set goals, achieve them, set more and keep going.....Don't stagnate, never stay in the same spot, always improve yourself. God is good, life is good and as a
40 something crossfitter, I will always keep learning & improving. I'll stop only when my soul has moved on past this plane. GOD willing.