Well here it is, summer is over. Today is the last Sunday of our summer. Kids are going back to school tomorrow, like it or not. I think they're ready, truthfully. What does this mean? Well for one, it is a regimented schedule. It means 0530 am crossfit workouts instead of my more flexible summer schedule of whenever I can squeeze my wod in. It's all good to me. I make it a priority, my wife and kids know it. My schedule gets hectic, I'm geared up and ready. Besides my regular job, I've been blessed to be an adjunct professor at the local community college and University (Del Mar College & TAMUCC). This semester it's Del Mar.
How do I feel as a 40 something year old? Mind, body and soul are all in tune. Timing is everything. I've been tweaking my diet lately and it seems to have been working. Went on the WHOLE 30 PALEO about 3 weeks ago. I didn't feel the detox like I have before, I think it's because I was already on a generally clean diet. I can't believe how good I feel. CLEAN. I've had a clean diet for a long time, but doing the whole 30, I eliminated artificial sweeteners, as well as making several other adjustments including no alcohol of any kind. I used to do the 80% /20%, stay on a paleo 80% of the time, but I have moved that number to 100% now and I can tell the difference. That didn't include eliminating alcohol until about 3 months ago. I used to drink beer, wine and alcohol regularly. Weening myself from alcohol wasn't hard. I just did it. With the same attitude I stopped eating 'reward' meals (20% of the time) which included sugar, bread, butter, french fries or any of the like. IT'S NOT HARD. Just made up my mind and did it. I eat plenty of good food. It helps that my wife has been doing something very similar to the whole 30 for a very long time. Our house isn't divided anymore. It used to be though! Traveling for work is more challenging where eating is concerned. Most restaurants have salads and some sort of protein. Just remember to use olive oil & vinegar or balsamic vinaigrette instead of the typical salad dressings and NO CROUTONS!!! If I did it, it can be done. Truth be told, it's not as difficult as people say.
For you folks that don't believe in Astrology or Kepler's law of planetary motion, please skip this part.
What is Mercury retrograde? Retrograde is when a planet appears to be moving in the opposite direction of it's normal orbit (see Astronomy retrograde). Astrologically it means communication breakdown. Heck, everything breaks down. Just be aware of it. You will notice people arguing because of bad communication. You will notice computers, phones, electronics acting funny. Just be aware of it and if you don't believe in it, just notice around you if things are going a little crazy for the next few weeks. Mercury goes direct station (appears to stop moving in the opposite direction and goes back to it's normal directional orbit) on September 12th. This isn't all bad, Mercury retrograde can be beneficial, a time to focus on 'cleaning out your closet'. Follow through and finish up what you've left undone and you will feel much better. MAKE THE DECISION AND FOLLOW THROUGH!!!!!!! To quote the paleo whole 30 blog, which touts that making the decision to clean up your diet for 30 days will significantly change your quality of life, "It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Giving up heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard." ENOUGH SAID, MAKE THE CHOICE AND FOLLOW THROUGH.
Looking lean X.