Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Masters Division Surprise awaited us this year when Crossfit HQ made the announcement (see crossfit games 2013 season).  

Long overdue some people have claimed.  No complaints here.  I've been waiting for this.  I will admit that over the last year, I had slipped into more of a periodized type of programming.  At that juncture I was more focused on my 45th birthday which would have put me in the masters division in the 2014 season.

With the periodized programming, I had been building strength with some metcons for conditioning.  As it goes with being a tad older, I was taking sufficient rest time to allow for recovery.  Over the summer I was happy to let my body weight creep up to almost 195 lbs.  Those who see me regularly were able to notice an increase in size.  As for this years open, I was primarily going to use it to gauge where I stood, so that I could tweak my programming for next years 45-49 year Masters Div.  Well my 2 year plan (15 month plan to date) just turned into a 3 month plan.  I have been trying to work more metcons and have dropped some weight to about 185 lbs.  The weight came off rather easy, In fact It was proving difficult to maintain my weight in the heavier category.  Now comes the delicate dance of how much weight to lose and where to maintain my body weight.  I think that my most efficient body weight for all around performance is 180lbs.  Last years open I was weighing in at 178 lbs. during the open.  Here it goes.  I'm amped up and ready to go.

I'll be more frequent with my posts as the open grows closer.

-Strong people don't put others down,
they lift them up. -Michael P. Watson

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Been a long time since I've posted on here.  It's been a great time many developments professionally, personally, physically.   STill plugging away.....43yrs old now going on 44.......time seems to be travelling by much faster these days......

My good friend Gene Chisum (pictured above) is a STRONGMAN, who has started incorporating CF for stamina and overall fitness.......That's Gene lifting a 345# stone.... NUTS!!!!  He's got our whole box motivated to be doing more strongman movements, so much so that we had some atlas stones made...

50#, 90#, 120#, 175# & 220#

I think those numbers are fairly accurate...  Been playing with the 220# for a while but the damn thing was ripping my arms up when I tried to lift it........  Gene brought some tacky (for my arms)....before this attempt I was able to lift the stone off of the ground rather easily, just couldn't get it up past that.  This was my 3rd attempt..........

Zeph Littleton tried it right after this and got it his first try!!!  FREAKING STUD!!

I'll post the vid later.