Is Paleo practical? It can be.........In my humble opinion.
PLEASE READ: Perfectionism and Self-Sabatage – Paleo Style…
My wife's response to a PALEO blog:
I have been studying foods, nutrition, and herbology for 15 years now. There are many diets out there that are paleo or a slight variation of paleo. I started eating one of them for my immune system. The major difference was that it included unsweetened REAL yogurt (there are ancient societies that had notable longevity eating yogurt). Keeping the inflammatory response in the body under control works. I am a totally different human being when I eat this way and feel so good that I prefer it. The trick being that I know what works for me! When my husband came home and said he would like to eat paleo I thought "that's easy!", and it was. It wasn't until this time that I started calling how I ate paleo, mostly because the group of people that we associate with recognize the term. We think of it as eating clean and we stay WELL and have incredible recovery time. Being successful at eating right for me, I've noticed a few things watching others TRY to be successful at this diet. one thing is that people complicate it by trying to portion. if you break into ZONE for a rest day from the rigid routine, then portion, but other wise it is unnecessary. Next, there are foods that are not allowed on paleo that have benefits far outweighing any derogatory effects. Stevia (has a balancing effect on blood sugar)and xylitol(kills bad bacteria in the digestive tract) are great to help you through this diet! The last thing I would like to mention is food source supplementation. This is the biggest single key to success. If you have cravings, your body is telling you that there is a deficiency. Our soils are depleted and we get little to no enzyme content in our food no matter what you eat! Believe me, you have deficiencies, and as a paleo eater, silica is probably one of them. Address these things and your conscientious food choices will work!

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